
Long time no blog

Well I've been way too busy to blog - but thank you to the people who did take the time to write to me.

I"ve forgotten all the names and subjects - but to answer one question - yes, I can see the auras around dogs and all animals. If the animal has a silver/blue aura they think they're an animal. If they have a golden yellow aura - they think they're a person.

To Mishayixiong - thank you so sincerely for taking the time to share information with me. I will check out the information (Path of Masters) you suggested.

Best wishes to you all.

Big hugs,


  1. I was just wondering if you know of any books written solely about a specific life color (other than books that are just about Indigos). I'm a violet/Green, and I'd love to know more about it. After I bought your book, I went home and read it front to back, then proceeded to give the quiz to my mom and boyfriend, and read them their entire description and both of mine. Yet after I finished with all that, I still felt like I wanted to know more, your book just sparked my interest so much that I was hoping I could find entire books dedicated to each color.

    Lastly, I wanted to thank you for including that section in your book Love Colors about how to find/meet people with specific colors. My whole life I realized I was sort of "different", not to the extent that an indigo would be, but in the sense that all my life ever revolved around was changing the world, and most people I know don't make that their top priority. Coversations about celebrities and trends and high school drama never meant anything to me, but now and then I would find someone (usually twice my age) who would be interested in philosophy, or psychology, or animal rights or solving world hunger, or raising money for charities, and for a moment I would feel so blown away, like I had FINALLY found someone who was thinking in the right direction. Yet those people have always been hard for me to find. I finally realized I've spent most of my youth around reds, yellows and oranges, always worrying about when they would finally start focusing on world's issues instead of just doing physical activities and having fun (this is probably why my mom has always been my best friend-she's a blue-and my other best friend, the only one I've kept all my life, is also a blue). I never knew how to find more of these people though (even though it should have been more obvious keeping in mind that I liked them so much because they were interested in the same things I was), and because of this, I could not be more grateful for the inclusion of that information in your book. Thank you so much for taking the time to get this information out to the public, it makes me happy to be human when I see people making it a priority to share the information and wisdom they have gathered on their life path with others.

    Kayla Borg


    I'm not quite sure how you respond to comments on here, or if you even get to them all, but just incase, I will leave my e-mail address: MusicJunkie145@yahoo.com

  2. I was just wondering if you know of any books written solely about a specific life color (other than books that are just about Indigos). I'm a violet/Green, and I'd love to know more about it. After I bought your book, I went home and read it front to back, then proceeded to give the quiz to my mom and boyfriend, and read them their entire description and both of mine. Yet after I finished with all that, I still felt like I wanted to know more, your book just sparked my interest so much that I was hoping I could find entire books dedicated to each color.

    Lastly, I wanted to thank you for including that section in your book Love Colors about how to find/meet people with specific colors. My whole life I realized I was sort of "different", not to the extent that an indigo would be, but in the sense that all my life ever revolved around was changing the world, and most people I know don't make that their top priority. Coversations about celebrities and trends and high school drama never meant anything to me, but now and then I would find someone (usually twice my age) who would be interested in philosophy, or psychology, or animal rights or solving world hunger, or raising money for charities, and for a moment I would feel so blown away, like I had FINALLY found someone who was thinking in the right direction. Yet those people have always been hard for me to find. I finally realized I've spent most of my youth around reds, yellows and oranges, always worrying about when they would finally start focusing on world's issues instead of just doing physical activities and having fun (this is probably why my mom has always been my best friend-she's a blue-and my other best friend, the only one I've kept all my life, is also a blue). I never knew how to find more of these people though (even though it should have been more obvious keeping in mind that I liked them so much because they were interested in the same things I was), and because of this, I could not be more grateful for the inclusion of that information in your book. Thank you so much for taking the time to get this information out to the public, it makes me happy to be human when I see people making it a priority to share the information and wisdom they have gathered on their life path with others.

    Kayla Borg


    I'm not quite sure how you respond to comments on here, or if you even get to them all, but just incase, I will leave my e-mail address: MusicJunkie145@yahoo.com
