
Fwd: An unusual way to stop the oil spill and heal the planet (and it's freeee)

This is from Joe Vitale (from The Secret.) I think it's a cool idea - and one I believe in.

What we focus on - increases. If we focus on the problem, we get more problem. If we focus on the solution, we get more solution.
So let's focus on the oceans being clear, clean and healthy - to shift what is happening. 
(No more focusing on the mess that is being shown. Our energy and visions will just create more of the problem.)

It's worth a shot. I honestly believe this works. I've seen it work in my own life - manifesting things that were against the odds and despite what appeared to be "reality."

I'm in! I believe we are powerful Beings - that we create "reality."

Subject: An unusual way to stop the oil spill and heal the planet (and it's freeee)

It's hard to miss the news about the oil spill
in the Gulf of Mexico.

What can we do about it?

I'm taking a big risk in telling you about this,
but I believe it's worth it.

See http://clearthegulf.com  

Here's the story...

A few people wrote me, recalling that years ago
I sent out an email inviting everyone to envision
Hurricane Rita dissolving before it hit land.

Rita did in fact lessen in power as it hit.

A few others know about the Attract Miracles
community I created with Craig Perrine to
help people support each other to achieve
their intentions.

Hundreds have been going there since we
began it, and the results are a-maz-ing.

What you may not realize is that 23 scientific
studies prove that when people focus on a
common goal, using meditation to achieve
inner peace, that goal tends to come about.

With all of that in mind, Pat O'Bryan and I
created a special clearing audio designed
to help Clear the Oil Spill.

And we're giving it away.

The Clearing Oil Spill audio uses the same
formula we've been using in all of our other
clearing audios - my strategic statements and
Pat's original music - woven together using
hi-tech equipment and breakthrough processes
to speak right to your unconscious mind.

When you work with the unconscious, you
also tap into the collective unconscious.

And that's where we can impact the oil spill
and anything else we perceive as bad.

Scoff if you like but we feel it's at least worth
a few minutes a day to listen to our special
audio and let it help you clean the world from
the inside out.

If nothing else, consider it a relaxing few
moments for yourself.

And maybe, just maybe, it may heal the
Gulf, and the Earth, as well.

It's worth a try, isn't it?

Get the audio at --


And please tell others about it.

If you can forward this email to family and
friends, Twitter it, Facebook it, blog it and
anything else you can think of, it will help
us all.

Again, it's freeee.

Let's make a difference.

It begins with you and me.

Will you help?



PS -- For background on all of this, see


Follow me: http://www.twitter.com/mrfire

Dr. Joe Vitale     "Aude aliquid dignum" *

Author of way too many books to mention,
including the bestsellers "The Attractor Factor,"
"Life's Missing Instruction Manual" and ooohhh
so many more, including the head spinner,
"Zero Limits" and the mega-hit, "The Key."

New: "Attract Money Now!"  Read it gratis at

A star in the movies "The Secret," "The Opus,"
"The Compass," "Try it On Everything," "Leap"
and "Beyond Belief"

Creator of Miracles Coaching, Hypnotic Writing,
Hypnotic Writing Wizard and Hypnotic Marketing

See it all at http://www.JoeVitale.com

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!! Let's keep seeing that leak sealed up, and Gulf being cleaned so quickly, with minimal effort. Thank you for sharing this Pam, you so rock!
